The truth is that this job of mother is an impossible job. No one can do it completely right, forget perfect. But the challenge makes every day exciting.
Some parts of this job:
buying, cooking and feeding healthy food to my family to promote health and happiness
caring for them when they're sick
teaching them good habits, good character traits-honesty, respect, kindness, to be hard-working
clothing them, every day, in clean clothes, no less
And clean sheets and blankets
giving them emotional stability
loving them wholely
forgiving them for breaking your treasures and eating your lipstick
then feeding and clothing them again(dishes, laundry anyone?)
teaching them to work hard (broken record mother?)
Is there a yard connected to that house? (Can you mow the lawn?)
What about music? Sports? Dance? Drama!? Oh, the drama!
Routines, spontaneity--yes, you are responsible for teaching them both, they will unknowingly pattern themselves after you.
And sex. You get to teach them about that too. No problem.
And religion and politics. What you don't know might become obvious.
Intimidated yet?
I almost forgot money and finances cause they don't teach that in school. Not really.
Do you exercise? Read? Serve others? Your kids will know and follow your example more than your words.
Then make sure you are creating memories and traditions at each holiday. Decorations? My daughter usually does them. Meals become an event and guess what!!? You are in charge! Or you might get lucky and at least have help like I do (mainly because my husband isn't in the other room watching football. Bless him!)
So, that is what I think about when I think of my job.
But I try not to think about it all at once.
Baby steps. One day a time. One thing at a time.
Don't borrow trouble (or something like that). I will address these ideas separately in the future. Just wanted to think about what makes this job so exciting and varied.
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